Alex Due

Cover: Lorino – Melancholy

For the last few months I’ve been heavily working on my project Lorino. I’m planing to release a CC licensed album with about twelve piano pieces on it. The composition is almost done and I’m going to focus on the post production during the next weeks. But don’t expect it to be finished before August. I’ve got lots of other stuff to do at the moment and can’t focus on music as much as I would like to.

At least on song will be released in advance of the album. It is called “Melancholy” and the music notation is already done. This weekend I was looking for a picture which I could use as a cover. I’ve been using CC licensed images as a basis for the covers for some time and I think it’s better to reuse great material of someone else than to try to make something more or less acceptable out of my own pictures.

The picture you can see above and which I’m going to use as a cover for “Melancholy” is “It’s Christmas! No, it’s a stoplight! No, it’s rain!” by Jack Mayer and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.