Alex Due

He is my favorite Creative Commons musician. Not only because he’s constantly putting cool stuff out there for free. But he seems to be a really nice guy, who’s just as crazy about music as anyone can be. As far as I know Professor Kliq is based in Chicago, where he’s studying music.

A few hours ago he published a video on YouTube thanking everyone who voted for him in the Jamendo Awards:

[lxdu-flash-object= w=480 h=292]

There are several albums he published on the web under a Creative Commons license. My favorite is “Guns Blazin’” with the awesome track “Ode To Charles“:

[lxdu-flash-object= w=480 h=250]

The best track not appearing on one of his albums is “Crystals“:

[lxdu-flash-object= w=480 h=81]

So if you like his music, too, maybe you’d give him your vote an Jamendo. You need to have a Jamendo account to vote: Jamendo Awards 2011
